Crystal glass products


National legislation

Ordinance on crystal glass products

Official Gazette, No. 135/2005 and 32/2009 


Legal basis

Act on Technical Requirements for Products and Conformity Assessment

(NN 126/2021)

EU legislation

Council Directive 69/493/EEC of 15 December 1969 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to crystal glass


Competent authority

Ministry of Economy 
Phone: 00385-1-610-9735


Scope of national rule

The Ordinance prescribes the technical requirements for the composition and labeling of crystalline glass products listed in Annex I of the Ordinance, as well as the methods for determining the chemical and physical properties of crystalline glass types listed in Annex II. of the Ordinance, which belong to tariff code 70.13 of the Customs Tariff.


Main requirements that the business user needs to know about

Crystal glass products may be placed on the market only if the descriptions listed in column (b) of Annex I have the appropriate properties listed in columns (d), (e), (f) and (g) of Annex I to the Ordinance.

If the crystal glass product is marked with one of the descriptions given in column (b) of Annex I to the Ordinance, it may also bear the corresponding identification symbol shown in column (h) of Annex I to the Ordinance. "

Where a trade mark, the name of an undertaking or any other inscription contains, as a main part, as an adjective or as a root, a description appearing in columns (b) and (c) of Annex I or a description liable to be confused therewith, Member States shall take all necessary steps to ensure that that trade mark, name or inscription is immediately preceded by the following, in very prominent lettering:

(a) the description of the product, where that product has characteristics specified in columns (d) to (g) of Annex I of this Ordinance;

(b) a statement of the exact nature of the product, where that product does not have characteristics specified in columns (d) to (g) of Annex I of this Ordinance.


National rule

In accordance with the regulations governing the technical requirements for products, manufacturers must ensure that the instructions and safety data are in Croatian. Safety information must be in Croatian.


Market Surveillance Authority

State Inspectorate


Link to the TRIS database

In the TRIS database you can look up the notification of the technical rule