High-hazard pressure equipment


National legislation

Rules on inspections and testing of high-hazard pressure equipment

Official Gazette, No. 75/2020 

Legal basis

Act on Technical Requirements for Products and Conformity Assessment

(NN 126/2021)

Competent authority

Ministry of Economy 
Email: mirta.pokrscanskilandeka@mingo.hr
Phone: 00385-1-610-9735
Web: https://gospodarstvo.gov.hr/


Scope of national rule

These rules lay down procedures for putting into service high-hazard pressure equipment and procedures and time limits for inspecting and testing this equipment during its service life. ‘Pressure equipment’ means all equipment subject to:

  1. the Ordinance on Pressure Equipment (Official Gazette of RC, No 79/2016);
  2. the Ordinance on simple pressure vessels (Official Gazette of RC, No 27/2016);
  3. and all other equipment which was manufactured and put into service pursuant to pressure equipment regulations that were in force before these ordinances.


Main requirements that the business user needs to know about

The owner/user of high-hazard pressure equipment shall be fully responsible for its safe operation while in service and for performing of inspections and tests of the high-hazard pressure equipment.

Before putting pressure equipment into service for the first time, in view of safety hazards to humans, the environment and property, equipment shall be classified into one of two hazard levels:

- Low-hazard pressure equipment;

- High-hazard pressure equipment.

Upon request by the owner, classification of pressure equipment shall be carried out by the authorised inspection body.

The following procedures: Initial inspection of high-hazard pressure equipment, External inspection, Internal inspection, Pressure testing, Extraordinary inspection, Inspection prior to re-entry into service may be implemented by authorised inspection bodies on the basis of a decision issued by the minister responsible for the economy if they fulfil the criteria laid down in Annex VII to these rules.


Market Surveillance Authority

State Inspectorate



Link to the TRIS database

In the TRIS database you can look up the notification of the technical rule